If you are experiencing difficulties using this website please enter your details and a brief outline of the problem into the form below and press Send. You should receive a confirmation message soon afterwards.

If you do not recieve the confirmation message please see the FAQ I'm not receiving Ruckleigh emails.

Parent Portal Support Form

Support Guides

To register on the parent portal, please visit https://parents.ruckleigh.co.uk and click Register. 

Once you have completed the registration form, you will be sent an email asking you to confirm your email address. Once you have clicked the VERIFY NOW link (pictured below) confirming your email, you will be able to sign in and add your child to your account.

IMPORTANT:  We use your contact details to phone, email, SMS text and send postal letters. We know from experience every year many parents will change address/phone numbers, email addresses etc.  It is vital that these details are kept up to date so we can continue to communicate with you. Please note all phone numbers for both parents/guardians need to be added.  To check and edit your information either click edit next to your name on the pupil record or click My Details at the top of the page. 

To add your child to your account click Children and start typing the first letters of their name into the Add Child box (pictured below). Please click on your child’s name to add them to your account.

You will then be asked if you want to send a request to add the child to your account. If you press OK your screen will say “Please wait until the office approves your pending request”. When the office approves your request you will receive an email saying Child Validation Successful. You will then be able to sign in and update your child’s details.

IMPORTANT: Parents have the authority and flexibility to update information when required but it is a legal requirement to check and update your child’s record at least once a year. 

To update your child’s details click Children and then on your child's name. If your child is not listed please see How to add child records.

Please complete all fields on the form paying close attention to the following important information:

  • Add New Photo: We ask that you add a recent photo to your child's record. 
  • Child's First Language: Indicate which language your child speaks at home on a day to day basis.
  • Child's Ethnicity: Select ethnic group.
  • Dietary Information: List all foods which your child should not consume. If there are none, please leave the box as None. Some common options are: no dairy, no eggs, vegetarian, vegetarian (eats fish), no beef, no pork, vegan. This information is used by teaching staff and catering staff everyday.
  • Medical Information and Allergies: List all medical conditions and allergies of which school should be aware of, and medication for emergency use which will be stored in school. 
  • Emergency Contact Details:  We require at least 2 alternative names and contact numbers who are NOT parents such as grandparents, relatives or family friends.

When you have entered all the correct information, tick the confirmation checkbox and press the Update Record button.

Parent Details: We use your contact details to phone, email, SMS text and send postal letters. We know from experience every year many parents will change address/phone numbers, email addresses etc.  It is vital that these details are kept up to date so we can continue to communicate with you. Please note all phone numbers for both parents/guardians need to be added.  To check and edit your information either click edit next to your name on the pupil record or click My Details at the top of the page. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office or use the support form on our website.

If you are not receiving emails from Ruckleigh please first check that your registered email is correct.

  • Log in to your account
  • Click My Details
  • A popup will be displayed with your registered details. Please check that the displayed email address is correct

To check if Ruckleigh messages are getting through please send a message on this support page. A confirmation email will be sent to the address you provide.

If you find our messages in your spam / junk / other / social folder. You will need to take a few simple steps to ensure our messages get through. Usually adding postmaster@m.ruckleigh.co.uk to your contacts (in Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo and most other email providers and programs) will ensure our messages get through. 

Outlook / Live / Microsoft / Hotmail


If you still experience problems please contact us using the support form

Click on the Sign In at the top of the screen and press the Create a new Password link. Then be you'll be asked to enter your email address and press the send button.

After pressing Send you will then receive an email with your username and a link to reset your password. If you are still experiencing problems signing in please let us know using the support form.

If you know your password you can sign in using your registered email address instead of your username. Else please click on the Sign In button at the top of the screen and press the Reset Password link. Then be you'll be asked to enter your email address and press the Send button.

After pressing Send you will then receive an email with your username and a link to reset your password. If you are still experiencing problems signing in please let us know using the support form.

Re-register for an account with a current email and please let us know so we can remove your old account and give you access to your child's records.

If your email address is already registered please reset your password.

To register on the parent portal, please visit https://parents.ruckleigh.co.uk and click Register. 

Once you have completed the registration form, you will be sent an email asking you to confirm your email address. Once you have clicked the VERIFY NOW link (pictured below) confirming your email, you will be able to sign in and add your child to your account.

To add your child to your account click Children and start typing the first letters of their name into the Add Child box (pictured below). Please click on your child’s name to add them to your account.

You will then be asked if you want to send a request to add the child to your account. If you press OK your screen will say “Please wait until the office approves your pending request”. When the office approves your request you will receive an email saying Child Validation Successful. You will then be able to sign in and update your child’s details. Please complete all fields, paying close attention to the following important information:

  • Add New Photo: We ask that you add a recent photo to your child's record. 
  • Child's First Language: Indicate which language your child speaks at home on a day to day basis.
  • Child's Ethnicity: Select ethnic group.
  • Dietary Information: List all foods which your child should not consume. If there are none, please leave the box as None. Some common options are: no dairy, no eggs, vegetarian, vegetarian (eats fish), no beef, no pork, vegan. This information is used by teaching staff and catering staff everyday.
  • Medical Information and Allergies: List all medical conditions and allergies of which school should be aware of, and medication for emergency use which will be stored in school. 
  • Emergency Contact Details:  We require at least 2 alternative names and contact numbers who are NOT parents such as grandparents, relatives or family friends.

When you have entered all the correct information, tick the confirmation checkbox and press the Update Record button.

IMPORTANT:  Parents have the authority and flexibility to update information when required but it is a legal requirement to check and update your child’s record at least once a year. 

Parent Details: We use your contact details to phone, email, SMS text and send postal letters. We know from experience every year many parents will change address/phone numbers, email addresses etc.  It is vital that these details are kept up to date so we can continue to communicate with you. Please note all phone numbers for both parents/guardians need to be added.  To check and edit your information either click edit next to your name on the pupil record or click My Details at the top of the page. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office or use the support form on our website.